Becoming rich takes a combination of luck, skill, and patience. You have to be at least a little lucky; you build on that luck with your skillful decisions, and then you continue weathering the storm as your wealth grows. There's no reason to lie to you: getting rich isn't easy, but with a little bit of perseverance and the right information, it's definitely possible.

Being rich is more of a state of mind than a dollar amount. Truthfully, the rich can be poor and the poor can be rich. For example, being rich could be a family of five who lovingly share their small piece of bread in a third-world country. Conversely, another family of five may live in a 12-bedroom home and still have strife over an unlimited first-class feast!

Moreover, being rich is really about having it all. It would be ideal to have a combination of the aforementioned situations: the happy family enjoying a delectable meal in the big house -- and it is possible. However, to achieve this kind of wealth, along with financial freedom, personal peace and happiness, you must get committed to it.

You must also be able to enjoy your wealth. Some people put in a hundred hours per week with work but completely neglect their families in the process. Others focus on their family so much that they never really get busy at work because of their obligations. Obviously, achieving a sense of balance will allow you to possess true wealth and also be able to enjoy it.

If you're looking to have it all in life, here are the six ways you can become rich:

1. Provide Solution To A Problem

As long as consumers have problems, they will always search for solutions. People will always look for better, faster and smarter ways to accomplish everyday tasks. And fortunately for entrepreneurs, there are still lots of rooms for improvements in existing products. That said, the biggest issue for most founders is finding these painful problems and matching them with the best solutions possible. For example, people in Nigeria(Africa) were consuming salt before the introduction of iodized salt. When iodized salt came out, everybody people switch to consuming iodized salt.

There are problems around every locality, your ability to identify them and provide solution, will no doubt make you rich. You shouldn't just focus on providing a product/service but focus on everyday product/service that provide solution to peoples problem.

2.  Adopt the Producer Mentality

You must make a major shift from being a consumer to producer. Here are some examples: consumers eat pizza, producers make pizza; consumers watch movies, producers make movies; consumers search for jobs, producers provide jobs. Every millionaire is a producer. Only producers get rich.

The over arching goal of a producer is not to eat, but to feed people. Obviously, producers must consume at some point, but it isn't their primary goal. Instead of seeking their next meal, they're more interested in providing the next meal for someone else, knowing that they will have the chance to eat in the process.

Whether these producers are providing heart surgeries, writing best-selling books, or building skyscrapers, they've learned how to create products and services to help those around them. If you study millionaires closely, you'll find that nearly all them provide a valuable product or service to millions of people. When you adopt a producer mentality, you will become wealthy, too.

3. Know Your Daily Rate

How much are you worth per day? Have you calculated your daily worth? N2,000? N5,000? N10,000? There are approximately 250 working days in a year. Do you know what it would take to be a millionaire? If you earned N4,000 per day, you would reach the million-Naira mark each year.

If you're earning N1,000 per day, you should try to double it (double your huzzle). Just imagine, if you did twice as much, you would earn twice as much! For instance, when I first started my business, I was worth about N4,500 per day. Since I didn't want to stay at that number, I sought better ways to improve myself for my clients, which gave me a tremendous boost of income.

What are you doing to improve your daily rate? If you're searching for a new job, send out twice as many resumes. If you're making 10 sales calls per day, double your number of calls to 20. If you're babysitting one child, find a way to multiply your results by opening up a day-care for 50 kids. Of course, it would be best to maintain or increase your quality of work as you pursue these endeavours.

"Success is getting what you want. Happiness is wanting what you get." - Dale Carnegie

4. Sacrifice Everything

The great majority of people are afraid to make sacrifices because they think they'll lose something. The single mother won't buy a N5,000 ebook that will help her earn N80,000 extra. She's the same mother who's afraid of the cost, but still would buy a video game or bicycle( cost about N15,000) for her son to make him happy.

Before you become rich, you must become poor. Besides lottery winners and heirs who receive hefty inheritances, you must be willing to pay the price and sacrifice everything. You must be able to handle the worst if you want to expect the best. There will be many times where you'll have to delay gratification to focus on a bigger goal, which is always worth it in the end.

To approach a risk more judiciously, ask yourself two questions:

"What's the worst thing that can happen if I take this risk?"

Then ask yourself,

"What's the best thing that can happen?"

Usually, you'll find that the only reason that you wouldn't take a major risk is because money is involved. However, you should be able to sacrifice everything to become immensely rich, even if it's your last 'card'.

5. Only Do Wealthy Activities

The number one wealth killer is when a person of promise hangs out in places of poverty. Many times, people put themselves in poor places, which surrounds them with poor people. Get away from poor places if you want to avoid poor people. Dwelling along with poor people in poor places will never make you rich.

When I was a teenager, I used to play ball with negative people in negative places. I constantly witnessed smoking, cursing, and other disrespectful behaviours every moment of the game. Even though I didn't partake in their antics, I was still a product of my environment, which deeply affected my general performance in life.

Many people tolerate negative conditions like this. They don't realize how much the subtle influence of gossip, violence, and drama impacts them. Moreover, if you're not on prosperity, you are in poverty. Find out how you can partake in wealthy activities.

6. Use Your Gifts

Everyone is naturally gifted. Some people have many gifts, while others only have one. Nonetheless, you must realize your gifts and use them. Many times, people will down-play their gifts and even allow others to do it. However, you should cultivate your gifts and surround yourself with people who support it.

Finding your talents, skills, gifts, and abilities may not always be apparent. Since schools, workplaces, and religious institutions seldom encourage people to use their gifts, many people end up forfeiting them because of the financial and social pressures in our enormity of conformity. These pressures reduce the human soul to settle for "fitting in" rather than "standing out." However, at the end of your life, you will be held accountable for how you use your gifts.

For me, I personally always wanted to tell my story. However, I didn't know how to go about it. Eventually, I started to write articles and give speeches free. Because of this, I've been able to reach millions of people. Currently, I make money writing articles and giving speeches.  The more you use you gifts, the happier and wealthier you'll be. Your gifts will make room for you.

7. Stay rich.

It's hard to get rich, but it's even harder to stay rich. Your wealth is always going to be affected by the market, and the market has its ups and downs. If you get too comfortable when times are good, you'll quickly drop back to square one when the market hits a slump. If you get a promotion or a raise, or if your ROI(return on investment) goes up a percentage point, don't spend the extra. Save it for when business is slow and your ROI goes down two percentage points. The best way to remain rich is reinvesting your ROI, especially on stocks/businesses that the market trend favours.

Money is being printed constantly for you right now. Make sure you take hold of yours today. Money is the tool that allows you to become more of who you are. Stop 'surviving' and start 'thriving'.There are many virtues in being rich. Be prepared to receive better homes, cars, clothes, food, and friends. You will receive much power when you commit to your wealth!

Check these business opportunities:

How to become independent oil and gas marketer

How to grow from $30 to over $2000 in two monhs

How to be making sustainable amount of cash monthly from YouTube

Easy and free ways of importing goods from China into Nigeria and other African countries

How to venture into recharge card printing business and voucher

You can make N60,000 monthly writing Articles online

How to buy and sell oil/gas online. Energy trading.

 SMS marketing and active GSM phone number database

Tochukwu M. D. Mgbeahurike. 
Founder, DillionWorld Int'l. 
Tel: +2348035217265.

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