A general saying has it that 'customers are always right.'

If we know what to say and, more importantly, how to say it, you may be able to save the situation. In fact, you can even end up with a better relationship with your client than you had before.

In this article we'll explore a few steps to follow when dealing with angry customers.

Listen Actively

Whatever your client or customer is saying - you should listen carefully. They want to be heard, and what you need to do is to listen actively, and which is more important - show genuine interest. Give your client all of your attention, even if you think you know how to solve the situation right away. Resist the temptation to jump to conclusions about what happened. Just let the angry customer tell you his story, don't interrupt. Start the dialogue with a neutral statement, such as, "Let's go over what happened," or "Please tell me why you're upset." Show him/her that you are on the same side and ready to listen and help.

Stay Calm And Be Emphatic

Do not respond to emotions with emotion. Remember that the customer is not mad at you personally, even if the customer language is directed at you. If you can avoid taking the complaint personally, you will be more likely to respond to the customer's anger with calm and patience. When you deal with your emotions - assume that the customer has a full right to be angry, put yourself in their shoes. When a customer is angry over a mistake made by your company - be sure to apologize properly and sincerely.

Present a Solution

Once you understand the customer's complaint - it is time to present a solution. If after you listen carefully you feel like you know what will improve the situation and make your client satisfied - tell them how you can correct the situation. If you're not sure you know what your client wants from you, or if they resist your proposed solution, then give them the power to resolve the problem. Simply ask what they want - use this solution to your advantage. It might actually make sense for your perspective, defuse the situation entirely and build customer loyalty all at the same time.

Take Action

After you and your customer agreed on the solution - you need to immediately take action. Your client need to be sure that the problem will be solved, so you need to explain every single step you are going to make to fix the problem. Even if you have to ask another employee or department to help in the situation, it is important to follow up with the customer personally so that they know you are seeing the issue through to the end.

Once you solved the situation - contact with the client in the next few days or so to make sure they are satisfied and happy with the solution. If you can - go beyond the clients expectations and do more than anyone would. If you can provide some kind of bonus, gift certificate or give a discount - do it.


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