Tips On How You Can Increase Your YouTube Channel Views Up To 2million In Few Days

Last Updated: January, 2021

We’ve got some seriously smart and effective ways to promote your YouTube channel to increase your views and improve the ROI of your YouTube strategy.

 Posting to YouTube Multiple Times Per Week

Recent reports have shown that YouTube channels that post more than once a week are performing much better and getting more recommended views. If possible, post a video to YouTube three or more times per week, especially if you’re just starting out and trying to build an audience. Keeping a regular schedule with multiple posts per week can quickly raise your channel in the algorithm.

Creating a ton of content in the beginning on similar topics will help your channel perform well in the algorithm, and also create a library of content that will usher viewers from one video to another, boosting your watch time and giving them a reason to subscribe.

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Optimize your YouTube content so that it ranks in search engines

Search engine optimization (SEO) is important for your YouTube profile, channel, and individual videos. This is what will make your content discoverable in search rankings.

YouTube’s algorithm takes multiple items into account when pulling videos for search results, so include as much information as possible. Know what keywords you want to rank for and include them in video titles, file names, descriptions, tags, annotations, and relevant fields in your profile. Include the keyword in the title, meta description, and image file.

Not sure what keywords you want to rank for? Reverse engineer the search process. If someone wanted what your YouTube videos offers—what words or phrases would they use in a Google search to find them?

Create great video titles

This is likely the first thing someone will see wherever they find your video. The title must be informative and attention-grabbing.

Keep it simple. You may be inclined to include every piece of info on your video, but great titles are short and to the point. Google truncates page titles at 66 characters, so anything beyond that is cut off in search results.

Develop a Sustainable Video Production Workflow

You might be making Oscar-worthy short films and videos, but if each video takes 6 months to produce, your videos aren’t going to grow your YouTube channel. Regular video uploads at familiar times are what bring people back for more.

Whatever kind of videos you want to make, choose content that you can develop and create on a regular basis and find ways to streamline your production workflow, whether it’s setting up a studio, creating an editing template, or hiring assistants or a production team. Keep refining your topics and production workflow until your process is a well-oiled machine.

Begin Each Video With an Interesting Hook

How you hook viewers depends on you and your content. If a video features a project of any kind, show the end result first. A stunning result makes people more interested to see how you achieved it. This approach is great for DIY and makeover videos. For instance, Cute Girls Hairstyles always begins by showing the end result before explaining how to create a hairstyle.

Stories are another way to pique viewers’ interest. People are hardwired for stories. When you start your video with a story, people will naturally want to stick around to see what happens.

However you hook viewers, make sure your opener relates directly to the subject matter. Viewers clicked because they were interested, so quickly get into the subject they wanted to hear about in the first place.

Fill out as much information on your YouTube profile as possible

Here are a tip for creating a compelling profile that will help draw in viewers and subscribers.

Keep it consistent. While you can only do so much to customize the look of your YouTube profile page, ensure that your brand elements—colors, backgrounds, logo, icons, and layouts—are as consistent as possible across your social channels and website.

Take advantage of email marketing

Publishing great videos is certainly a solid first step—but you have to make sure your audience knows when you post new content. And what better way to deliver updates than through your followers’ inboxes?

Email is still one of the top channels marketers can use to reach their audience. With an 18 percent industry average open rate and a 66 percent purchase rate, email is still king when it comes to sales conversions. When you send emails to your list, always include link to your latest YouTube video.

Related post: How To Start Email Marketing Business

Stay active in the community

It isn’t enough to regularly create content, you need to actively engage your audience as well.

When a viewer takes the time to comment on your video, take the time to reply. Interact and answer any questions. Viewers are more likely to engage themselves if they know they’ll get a response.

You should also be active in niche communities, of which YouTube has many. Find the right community for your brand and subscribe to other channels. Leave comments and feedback on videos and share any that your own audience might find useful.

Advertise your YouTube channel

To reach new audiences with your content, try YouTube’s many advertising options.

Run an ad campaign with AdWords for video. Don’t fret—there’s no minimum ad budget, so you don’t have to break the bank when you run your ads. The best practice is to keep your video short. A 20sec video is good. Make sure to include link to your channel and other important details.

Run a contest

When it comes to engaging your audience, there are few tactics that work as well as a contest. Everyone loves free stuff.

Incentivize viewers to subscribe to your channel with giveaways and prizes. Try creating a contest kickoff video with a clear call to action (enter the contest) and share it across your other social channels.

To run a successful YouTube contest you must your audience, offer prizes that will encourage them to take action, and have a contest promotion strategy.

Design Video Thumbnails YouTube Users Want to Click

Thumbnails, more than any other factor, can make or break your success on YouTube. Why? Suggested videos.

Suggested videos are the leading source of organic traffic on YouTube. As someone is watching a video on YouTube, your video thumbnail needs to stand out when it’s a suggested video in the right sidebar.

When your video appears as a suggested video, YouTube is basically endorsing it by saying that someone watching some other video might enjoy your video as well. Moreover, if your video attracts clicks as a suggested video, its clickability is likely to register with the YouTube algorithm. Remember that more than anything else in the world, YouTube wants viewers to click another video. So they’re going to recommend videos that are most likely to get that click.

Deliver on the Thumbnail’s Promise. First and foremost, make the thumbnail relevant to the video’s title and content. Nothing makes people click away faster than a video that has nothing to do with the thumbnail. Viewers feel tricked. You’ll not only alienate your audience, but you’ll also have low watch time, which the YouTube algorithm values most of all.

Test Thumbnail Options With AdWords. Ultimately, you won’t know if a thumbnail will work unless you test it. Create several options to test your thumbnails with Google AdWords.

How To Start Gift Card Reselling Business And Be Making Good Profit Monthly

Recently Updated

You can make a full time income reselling gift cards. I am telling you this because I'd been in the business. One of my favorite ways of making money on a part-time basis is buying and reselling gift cards for a profit and I’ll show you how!

How It Works

Unwanted gift cards can be sold for a percentage of their value (usually 70-90 percent).  This benefits both the gift card reseller site and the seller.  The seller (you) get to trade in your unwanted card for a card you do want with the cost being sacrificing a small amount of the value to the reseller site.

The reseller site wins because they now have a full value card which they obtained at a discount.

Example: You where given a $100 eBay gift card and you trades it for a $75 Amazon gift card.

The reseller site can now sell the $100 eBay card for $95 to a buyer, making $20 in the process ($95 -$75=$20). And the good news is this, there are always market for gift cards. Which means, you make make the $20 over and over again. And you can always withdraw your money right into your local bank account through direct deposit, Bitcoin, paxful, luno, etc.

This Detailed post contains all the necessary details on How to Buy and Sell Gift Cards in anywhere in the world. You can find gift cards almost anywhere. Gift cards are usually issued at, online stores, grocery stores, electronic stores, bookstores, and department stores.

 It might seem impossible to start a business that involves buying and selling gift cards. Big and small businesses are now offering gift cards to encourage loyalty among customers. The paper certificates are no longer popular, but egift cards are.

You can start learning the proven methods I have used for months to earn over $2,000 a month, that’s over $24,000 a year. The infamous 5 figures everyone chases for just Buying and Selling GIFTCARDS. Mind you, you can make more than $2,000 monthly.

I’ll be frank this course is NOT a get rich quick scheme. This course outlines a simple proven way to earn a part time, or even significant full time income.

This business requires very little time which gives you something more precious than money…TIME FREEDOM! Think about what you could do if you had that? You could spend more time with your family, travel, or finally pursue that passion you have always wanted to.

If you’re coach-able with a good attitude, a willingness to work, and you follow my system you will earn income. Even after your first 10 days the profits can be big!

How much capital will you need to invest to start?

That depends on how fast you want to go? I started with $300 at first before I quickly realized the potential as a business, after which, I had to invest more.

Here are what you will learn from my manual:

  • Where to buy gift cards cheap
  • The best sources to sell your gift cards for the highest profit margin and how to withdraw your money into your local bank account or through Bitcoin
  • How to redeem different types of gift cards.
  • The art of negotiation
  • How to advertise your business for FREE! No website required
  • Why I have succeeded from the beginning
  • Fraud Education, how to avoid loss
  • An effective trick utilizing business cards to retain customers & increase transactions
  • How to earn more Bitcoin and other Cryptocurrencies from gift cards
  • How to receive Bitcoin and covert to your bank account.
  • .…and much more!

All you need to start is your smartphone (or laptop) and a start up capital of ₦10,000.

You will learn the A-Z of this Business and How to succeed from it. And also, I will be available to assist you further after going through the manual.

To get this teaching manual and learn how to be financially independent through gift card business, the cost is $15. You have 3 days money back guarantee.

I have been in this business and other businesses as well  (see the posts on right side bar of this blog) and I have the passion of teaching others.

Related post: How to start redeeming gift card and make 100% profit from a card

Similar courses on gift card business are being offered at very much higher cost.

My Proofs that you will get what you are paying for and earn good amount:

It is my personal guarantee that after going through the manual, you will be able to make up to N90k monthly.

To get the manual, see contact details below for payment info:
+2348035217265 (calls and WhatsApp).

The Luno's Lunosaur Challenge: Join To Win 1 Bitcoin Grand Prize And Other Bitcoin Prizes

The way people use and think about money is constantly evolving.

In the age where everything arrives at your fingertips in a near-instant, everything else seems like… Well, like dinosaurs.

The existing financial system was built for a non-digital age, ignoring the needs of the modern individual and with many unnecessary inefficiencies and gatekeepers.

The world now has access to new technologies like decentralised cryptocurrencies that are quickly making these old systems and ways of thinking redundant.

Join the #Lunosaur Challenge and you could stand the chance to win one Bitcoin.

Related article: How to make money daily on Luno through Bitcoin Trading

The #Lunosaur challenge

The time has come to join the evolution of money and take part in our #Lunosaur Challenge. You could stand the chance to win the grand prize of one Bitcoin.

To enter:

  • Sign up on Luno and verify your email.
  • Follow our step by step guide to make your own origami #Lunosaur.
  • Take a picture or video illustrating your vision on the future of money with your own #Lunosaur creation.
  • Share your creation on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or LinkedIn using #Lunosaur before 18 November 2018

Read the full terms and conditions or frequently asked questions for more information.

How to build your own #Lunosaur

We've created an illustrative guide with step-by-step instructions on how to fold your own velociraptor. Download the step by step guide here.

You can as well watch the video and learn how to create yours from an expert.

Take your imagination To The Moon, and build anything from a chic minimalist #Lunosaur scene to a whole #Lunosaur world!

Stay sensible

Whilst it’s all fun and games, we don't encourage the defacing or destruction of any real money.

Related article: How I make money daily on Luno Exchange platform